Strike Co., Ltd.

Terms of Use

This website, “,” is operated by Strike Co., Ltd. (“we,” “us,” or “our”).

Handling of personal information

For details on how we handle personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


While we take great care in providing the information on our site, we do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. We also disclaim any liability for any damages that may arise from the use of this website. Please note that the information on this website is subject to change without notice, and we may suspend or discontinue the operation of the website at any time without prior notice.


All rights, including copyrights, to the content provided on our site (texts, information, photos, simulation services, images, designs, and all created or edited content) belong to us. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution without our prior permission may result in legal action.

Governing law and jurisdiction

All matters related to the use of our site shall be governed by Japanese law. Any disputes related to our site will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance.

Recommended environment

Our site is designed for compatibility across different environments. However, using a browser other than the recommended ones may result in slight differences in layout and appearance. The recommended browsers are as follows:

  • Windows (10 or later): Latest version of Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome
  • Mac (OS 10.14 or later): Latest version of Safari or Google Chrome
  • Android (7 or later): Latest version of Google Chrome
  • iOS (12 or later): Latest version of Safari or Google Chrome

Please note that some content on our site requires JavaScript and cookies. If JavaScript is disabled, some content may not display correctly. Please enable JavaScript in your settings.

Prohibited activities

When using our site, the following actions are prohibited:

  1. Actions that Infringe or could infringe upon the property or privacy rights of any third party or our company.
  2. Actions that cause, or may cause, harm or damage to third parties or our company.
  3. Actions contrary to public order and morals, or actions that may lead to such outcomes.
  4. Criminal activities or activities that may lead to criminal activities.
  5. Registering another person’s email address or providing false information.
  6. Engaging in sales activity or actions for profit, or actions in preparation for such activities.
  7. Actions that damage the reputation or credibility of any third party or our company.
  8. Use or distribution of harmful programs such as computer viruses, or actions that may lead to such use or distribution.
  9. Acts of scraping or use of similar technologies to obtain information.
  10. Acts that overload our site’s network or systems.
  11. Illegal access to our site’s network or systems.
  12. Any actions violating laws, regulations, or ordinances, or actions that may lead to such violations.
  13. Any other actions deemed inappropriate by our company.


You are free to link to our site, whether for profit, non-profit, or intranet use, but links from the following types of sites are prohibited:

  • Sites containing content that slanders or damages the credibility of our company or our products and services
  • Sites with illegal content or content that may be illegal
  • Sites involved in or potentially involved in illegal activities
  • Links using frames or other methods that obscure the fact that the content belongs to our company

We are not responsible for any third party complaints, claims or damages related to the linked site. If you are unable or unwilling to comply with these terms, please discontinue linking to our site immediately.