Strike Co., Ltd.

Privacy Policy

Strike Co., Ltd. ("we," "us," or “our”) recognizes the importance of protecting personal information and considers it a social responsibility. We comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information of Japan (hereinafter the "Personal Information Protection Act"), as well as other relevant laws, regulations, and internal policies.

In addition, we have established the following Privacy Policy (hereinafter, the "Policy") for the acquisition, use, and management of personal information, including information obtained through our website (; hereinafter, the "Site").

1. Information acquired and method of acquisition

We collect information about the users of the Site (hereinafter the "Users" and the information of the Users collected “Users’ Information”), including their personal information ("personal information" as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act), as described below.

(1) Acquisition of information provided by the Users

We collect the following information about the Users as needed for their use of the Site.

  1. 1) Company or organization name (if applicable)
  2. 2) Name
  3. 3) Address
  4. 4) Phone number
  5. 5) Email address
  6. 6) Any other information voluntarily entered or provided by the Users through the Site

(2) Information we collect when the Users use the Site

1) Terminal information

When the Users use the Site, we may collect information about the device they use in order to maintain and improve our services.

2) Log information, activity history, and usage data

To maintain and improve our services, we may collect information about the activity of the Users, such as automatically generated and stored IP addresses and the date and time of requests from the Users.

3) Cookies

We may use cookies* and similar technologies for the following purposes:

  • To maintain and improve the Site and detect issues
  • To enhance our services
  • To provide information about our services and display advertisements appropriately
  • To utilize information collection modules

* Cookies are industry-standard technologies that allow a web server to recognize a user's computer, but not the individual user. You can disable cookies by adjusting your device settings, but this may limit your ability to use some or all parts of the Site.

(3) To analyze the Site’s usage and evaluate the effectiveness of advertisements for our services, we may incorporate information collection modules into the Site. As part of this process, we may provide Users’ Information to the providers of these modules. These modules collect Users’ Information without including personally identifiable details, and the collected data will be managed in accordance with the privacy policies and regulations of each module provider.

2. Purpose of use of personal information

(1) Purpose of use

We will properly handle personal information obtained through lawful and fair means (including Users’ Information acquired through the Site as mentioned in 1. above; the same applies hereinafter) within the scope of the following purposes. We will not use the information beyond the scope of these purposes without the consent of the individual or user (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Individual").

  • To make decisions related to applications, notifications, consultations, and information posting for various services
  • To determine the appropriateness of service provision, including assessments based on suitability principles and other relevant criteria
  • For the execution and management of various commissioned tasks and related services
  • To verify the targets of various surveys
  • For sending materials, accepting applications, responding to inquiries, and managing communication for various seminars and events
  • For public relations and investor relations activities.
  • For recruitment activities
  • To properly perform and manage outsourced tasks when entrusted with personal information by another business

These purposes apply to our M&A brokerage and advisory services, corporate valuation services, management consulting services, and financial instruments intermediary services.

(2) Change of purpose of use

We may modify the purposes of use described in this section if they are reasonably related to the original purposes. If such changes occur, we will notify the Individual or publicly announce the changes on the Site or through other appropriate means.

3. Management of personal information

(1) We strive to keep the personal information we collect accurate and up to date within the scope necessary to achieve its intended purpose.

(2) We implement organizational, technical, and human safety management measures as required by laws and regulations to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or damage to personal information.

(3) When outsourcing the handling of personal information, we only entrust it to service providers that meet our criteria, ensuring proper management in line with our internal policies.

(4) The Site’s security measures include the following:

1) Use of SSL encryption

We use SSL technology to encrypt and securely transmit personal information entered on the Site, protecting it from interception or tampering.

2) Management of Users’ Information

To protect Users’ Information from leaks, loss, or damage, we take necessary and appropriate security measures, such as limiting access to personal data files, restricting access to authorized personnel only, and using security software to prevent unauthorized access from external sources.

4. Provision of personal information to third parties

(1) Prohibition of provision to third parties

We do not disclose or provide personal information to third parties without the Individual's consent.

In cases where personal information is disclosed to specific subcontractors to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use, such information is appropriately managed and protected through confidentiality agreements with the subcontractors or other means.

(2) Exceptions to prohibition of provision to third parties

Notwithstanding the provisions of (1) above, personal information may be provided to third parties without the Individual’s consent in the following cases, as long as it does not violate relevant laws and regulations.

  • 1) When it is in compliance with laws and regulations
  • 2) When it is necessary for the protection of the life, body, or property of the Individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Individual
  • 3) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the Individual is likely to impede the execution of such affairs
  • 4) In the event of a merger, company split, business transfer, or other business succession that involve the transfer of business including the Individual’s personal information
  • 5) When disclosing or entrusting information to a specific subcontractor to the extent necessary to achieve the intended purpose

(3) Measures to be taken when providing information to third parties

Even when we must provide personal information to a third party as outlined in this section, we strive to minimize the amount of information shared as much as possible. Additionally, when personal information is disclosed to a specific subcontractor as described in (2) 5)herei of this section, we ensure it is properly managed and protected through confidentiality agreements with the subcontractors or other means.

5. Sharing of personal information

We will share personal information with other parties as outlined below.

(1) Items of personal information to be shared

  • 1) Name, address, phone number, email address, and any other information voluntarily provided by the Individual during the application process for seminars or other events co-organized by our group (as defined in (2) 1) of this section).
  • 2) Personal information such as name, address, date of birth, gender, phone number, email address, workplace, etc., of specific business entities (as defined in (3) 2) of this section).

(2) Scope of shared users

  • 1) Our subsidiaries and affiliates (Japan Corporate Investment Platform Co., Ltd. and Light-Right Inc.; hereinafter collectively referred to as our “Group”) and any third parties co-organizing seminars or other events with our Group.
  • 2) Members of the M&A Intermediaries Association and participants in the system for sharing information about specific business entities (the names of participating members can be found on the following website):

(3) Purpose of shared use

  • 1) The same as the purpose of use of personal information described in 2.(1) above.
  • 2) To allow the M&A Intermediaries Association to respond to inquiries from system participants regarding the registration of specific business entities in the information sharing system (*). The association will provide information regarding a member’s registration status and the details of their registration, so that a member can use this information as a criterion for determining whether to provide M&A intermediary services or advisory services to a specific entity.

* The system is designed to investigate whether an entity involved in an M&A transaction has engaged in malicious activities or caused significant losses or negative impacts that could seriously compromise the integrity of the transaction. If the M&A Intermediaries Association determines that the entity meets these criteria, the entity will be added to a list of specific business entities, which is maintained by the association.

(4) Name, address, and representative of the person responsible for managing personal information:

Kunihiko Arai, President & CEO
Strike Co., Ltd.
15F MITSUI & CO. Building, 1-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan

M&A Intermediaries Association
(Please refer to the website below for the location and the name of the representative.)

6. Disclosure of personal information

When the Individual requests the disclosure of personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, we will verify the Individual’s identity and disclose the information without delay (we will notify the Individual if the personal information requested does not exist). However, this does not apply in cases where we are not obligated to disclose the information under the Personal Information Protection Act or other relevant laws and regulations.

7. Correction and suspension of use of personal information

In the following cases, we will conduct the necessary investigation without delay after verifying the identity of the Individual making the request. Based on the results of the verification, we will correct, suspend its use, delete, or stop providing the personal information to third parties, and notify the Individual to that effect. However, this shall not apply in cases where we are not obligated to suspend the use of personal information under the Personal Information Protection Act or other relevant laws and regulations.

  • 1) When the Individual requests correction of personal information based on the Personal Information Protection Act, citing that the information is not true.
  • 2) When the Individual requests suspension of use, deletion, or cessation of provision to third parties of personal information based on the Personal Information Protection Act, citing reasons such as the information being handled beyond the scope of the previously announced purposes of use, collected through false or fraudulent means, or involving a significant leakage that is subject to reporting to the Personal Information Protection Commission.

8. Policy changes

We periodically review the handling of personal information and strive for continuous improvement. As such, this policy may be updated as necessary.

9. Inquiries

For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact the following:

Strike Co., Ltd. Personal Information Inquiry Desk
15F MITSUI & CO. Building, 1-2-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0004, Japan

Telephone:   +81 3-6848-0101
   +81 3-6841-7790 (for inquiries related to financial instruments intermediary services)


Updated October 1, 2024